*Spotify Premium is required for full functionality


Songsation is a tool used to categorize songs based on their perceived emotion.

As users rate songs, we update them in our database to categorize them appropriately.

Each tab has a purpose, explained as follows:

Your Playlist

Displays your 10 most recent PUBLIC playlists listened on Spotify.
User can rate and listen to songs as they please.

Rate Songs

After clicking button, user can start rating songs based on their music taste.

Your Emotional Songs

Sorts songs from your playlists into one of our 6 preset emotions based on voting from users.
User can Save these for later by clicking save button.

Top Emotional Songs

Displays highest voted songs of each emotion.

Contact Us

Send any bugs, features, or business inquiries you may have directly to us!

Shuffle/Save Functionality

To save personal/top emotion playlists you MUST select a song from the desired playlist before clicking shuffle/save.